From Bamboo to Breakthrough: How to become an overnight success

Sam’s bi-weekly newsletter - Edition 06 - February 13th, 2024

One learning/discovery

Let’s get a bit cheesy for a minute (there’s often wisdom in cheesy).

Do you know how long it takes for some species* of bamboo trees to start sprouting?

Up to five years. Nothing above ground is happening for up to five years even though its roots are being watered regularly.

After five years, the bamboo tree shoots up to about ninety feet tall in six weeks. Five years of no visible progress, and then it becomes an ‘overnight success’. 

The moral of the bamboo tree is to persevere even though you don’t yet see any results. Changes may take place ‘underground’ as you lay the foundation. At some point, growth unlocks and things can move quickly from there.

The problem is that most people quit before that. Don’t be like most people. Be patient and keep at it, you never know when you’ll become an ‘overnight success’.

* Yes, there are many species of bamboo trees. In fact, they're over 1,000 species!

One question

If I keep doing what I’m about to do today for the next five years, will I reach my goals?

Speaking of overnight successes and quitting, have you quit your New Year resolutions yet? 

I stopped making resolutions and instead focus on my longer-term vision. Once that vision is clear, I ask myself the question above on most mornings. 

It’s a powerful question that helps ensure our daily actions will get us to our desired destination instead of simply going through our days without any clear direction. 

To read why I’m not a fan of resolutions and what my annual goal setting process looks like, click here

One workout

Pressed for time? Here’s a quick and fun workout:


  1. Mountain climbers - 20 (10/side)

  2. Push ups – 10

  3. DB step ups with knee up – 10/leg

  4. Alternating lateral lunges (bodyweight) – 10/leg

Rest 3 minutes


  1. Jumping lunges - 20 (10/side)

  2. Goblet Squats – 10

  3. DB Push Press – 10

  4. Rocking Plank – 10

* AMRAP = As Many Reps As Possible. The number following AMRAP is the duration. In this case: As Many Reps As Possible in 10 minutes.

PS. Want more frequent advice on health, mindset, and personal growth? Follow me on Instagram.


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